πŸ”Security & Privacy By Design

Overview (What to aim for)

  1. Build an architecture that operates on optimal ignorance - each system should know as little as possible.

  2. Ensure high auditability and traceability via digitally signed data, non repudiable change logs, and authenticated transaction trails - even for agents/employees of the hosting department(s).

  3. Build and leverage participant registries (individuals, entities, things in future) as independent building blocks to create higher trust and auditability.

  4. Adopt verifiable credentials to increase trust within the system and also enable information verifiability.

  5. Enable structured, granular, and auditable consent artifacts and frameworks to enable sharing of personal data across systems.

  6. Multiple factors of authentication/ authorisation

Technical Tools (How to achieve it)

Societal Outcomes (Why it matters)

Last updated